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Showing posts from April, 2017

Where's Greg?

It's been almost two years since I posted anything here. In late 2015, things got really busy for me at Recruitics and, to be totally candid, maybe I wasn't sure what this blog is for. What happened since late 2015? My department moved offices. Twice. We weathered a round of layoffs and rebuilt the teams that were affected. And we've made a ton of progress improving our applications and data processing. I joined Twitter . I became the solo developer of a new integrations platform that now handles over 30% of our data collection traffic and cost tracking. And in two months we launch a free analytics product that will change the competitive landscape in online job advertising. So ... there's been a lot going on for me. What's next for this blog? My original purpose for this blog was to contribute something that other software engineers might find useful. I posted a few technical commentaries on topics not well-covered elsewhere, and I wrote somewhat haphazar