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Showing posts from June, 2015

Three Legs of GSD

Recruitics has a culture that celebrates exceptional results.  The expression "get shit done" or more commonly "GSD" has become something of a mantra around our office.  We have GSD stickers and t-shirts. We even have a #gsd message channel where we call out peers who go above and beyond.  When I first heard the phrase, my reaction was not positive. To me it seemed to encourage indiscriminate action and low-quality work. But as I have learned since then, there is a lot of nuance behind the concept - and it goes to the core of what makes Recruitics a unique workplace. In this post, I want to use GSD as a lens to explain a little about our engineering culture. Of course, within Recruitics d ifferent disciplines and teams manifest GSD in different ways: A salesperson who calls a prospect on a Saturday afternoon with a carefully-crafted value proposition.  An account manager who obtains an industry certification that helps her better serve clients. An executiv