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Showing posts from June, 2014

My Comment on FCC Proceeding 14-28

Today I submitted my comment to the FCC regarding proceeding 14-28, which would allow cable companies to give priority to internet traffic from select web sites. This will have repercussions for many companies online, especially Google, Hulu and Netflix. By allowing providers to slow down or speed up access for specific sites, cable companies will be allowed to extort streaming content providers to pay for bandwidth. Here is my comment (confirmation number 201464576817): Please reconsider your decision to allow ISP's like Comcast and Time Warner to slow down traffic to some sites. This rule change will give ISP's a new source of revenue but will not benefit the general public. Lobbying dollars seem to have motivated regulators at the FCC to create policies that will ultimately degrade services enjoyed by the general public and hand windfalls to cable companies.  Access to the internet should be regulated as a utility, like electric power, natural gas or water. The FCC